The Electronic Anthology Project

The Electronic Anthology Project began as the idea of Built To Spill bassist Brett Nelson. Always having loved and been greatly influenced by 80's New Wave music (a huge factor in wanting to even create music in the first place) he wondered what a guitar driven band like Built To Spill would sound like if made a little more New Wave circa 1982.

He entered his home studio in November 2009 not knowing if fellow band mate Doug Martsch would even be into his idea which would require him to re-sing all the songs. With one rule "synthesizer and drum machine only" he started and soon had "I Would Hurt A Fly" nearly done and sent a rough mix to Martsch who quickly agreed to re-sing all the songs. Emerging eight months later with one song off of each Built To Spill record done local friend and ex-bandmate Jon Mullin (The Suffocation Keep) mastered the final mixes that Nelson and Martsch had completed. Brett's son Nicholas did the cover layout/art with anagrams of the original titles provided by Stephanie, Brett's wife. An E.P was released July 2010. Nelson hopes to redo other bands music as future Electronic Anthology Projects.[1] The Ep was released on March 19, 2010.


  1. ^ Nelson,Brett (Sept 22,2010) [1] (bio) Lastfm